Hello out there,
It has been a while since we have been on here! I wanted to introduce myself, My name is Tressa, I am the newest member of the Comfrey Corner family. I have been here for a little over a year. I have been making my family's body products and cleaning supplies for the past 5 years, using the simplest ingredients as well as essential oils, keeping my family as toxin free as possible (and saving money in the process). My love for essential oils has brought me to get my certification. I want to learn why they work. down to the chemical composition. They are fascinating! Did you know that one drop of an essential oil can be made up of as little as 10 or as many as 200+ chemical components? Or that 1 drop of peppermint oil is equal to 28 cups of peppermint tea? it is amazing!
As well as being a student, I am a Den mother for both of my children, dance mom, karate mom, Doterra wellness advocate, Certified Aromatouch Wellness Advocate, and expecting a new little one in November.
So in the next few weeks I'll be spotlighting some of our brands and essential oils themselves along with everything else in the natural health community. Talk to you soon!